This Christmas, Patrick Charles, who leads our sister organization “Espoir Haitian” in Haiti, shared with us a heartfelt summary of our work together in Haiti and a dream he had of our role in the life of his community. These are his words, with just a few grammatical changes. We found them inspiring and hope you will as well. “I […]
Jan 2015 Trip
We had another great trip to Haiti. We have continued the pattern we started last July by spending the mornings working at the job site and the afternoons playing with the children at the “vacation bible school.” I have really enjoyed the division of the day into two parts. It allows us to have a little mindfulness and be focused […]
Thinking ahead to July 2015
Our team for January 2015 is still in Haiti. . . but if you are thinking of joining us in July 2015, the dates are July 12-19. Our new policy is that you buy your own airline tickets. We recommend flying direct on American Airlines into Cap Haitian. We’ve seen deals as good as $430 from DC. Then the trip […]
The beginning of the January 2015 trip
It’s raining in Manassas, but sunny in Cap Haitian. I wish I was there, but I’m holding down the fort here. Michael sent some great photos of the first day packing food for VBS and the kids playing at the newly refurbished Hotel Beck. I’m not doing a good job figuring out how to attach them to this blog post.
Thank You for 2014
We’d like to thank all of the Empowering Haitians’ friends and donors for all your support in 2014. Without you the Empowering Haitians would not have been able to feed so many hungry people and build much-needed infrastructures. We had a very productive year thanks to you! We know many of you are looking to make end of year donations […]
Getting ready for July 2014
It still feels like winter here in Virginia, but the seasons are changing! And I’m making plans for our July Haiti trip. We have often been blessed to bring big teams with us in July. Last year, we brought our 7 and 9 year old children. That was an amazing trip. I wish we could do that every year, but […]
2014 Trip Dates
Our early trip dates have been set. There is some potential flexibility by a day on either side of these, but the timeframe for the week we are in Haiti is firm. January 11-18 2014 July 12-19 2014 Please consider traveling with us on one of these trips -Michael
July 2013 Trip
We just returned from a very successful trip to Haiti. We had 17 people travel with us this last trip and it was a true joy to get to know everyone and to work with each person over the 7 days we were in Haiti. The most exciting part of the trip is that we actually left two people in […]
Goals for 2012
Goals for 2012: Begin a food distribution program to feed desperate families ($40,000 feeds 250 people for 177 days; less than $1 per person per day) Install another community well ($8,000 each well) Continue improvements to the Espoir Haitian office (enabling food and tool storage, meeting space for micro lending, and community projects, and medical clinic) Reinvigorate the youth baseball […]
2011 Close out
We started the year by canceling the January 2011 trip due to the political instability. Because we are such a small organization, the lost money on flights could have put us under. But the ever surprising faith and generosity of our friends and supporters enabled us to cut our losses and continue our work. In March, MaryLu and I traveled […]