Micro Loan Program
Providing these loans is offering the people of Cap Haitien such hope. We did a lot of research on the best way to provide these loans. Similar loans provided to groups of women across the poorest countries have a payback of 99%. Our loan process is modeled on the Grameen Foundation’s work and success.
When in Haiti, MaryLu and Voluse interviewed 60 women, 12 groups of 5. With only $5000 this round, we could only offer 5 groups a loan. The payback is at 10% annual interest with the loan due in 6 months. Each group will repay the $1000 + $50 interest when we return in January. We expect the women to repay in small increments. Voluse will manage this process from the Espoir Haitien office. (Espoir Haitien is our coordinating in country non-government organization). The interest from the loans will cover the cost of operating the loans.
The loans are meant to be a sustainable program. We will loan back out the money we receive in January 2011. And if we can find more donors, we will offer more women these loans. Little by little we will grow small business in Haiti.
There is very little outside investment in Haiti, micro finance will provide jobs and “hope” for the communities where we work. We envision great success with this program.