Projects of 2022
Even among the worsening political and economic conditions, and they are heartbreaking, Empowering Haitians strives to offer hope. We offer it from afar for yet another year. If we were to travel and work along side our Haitian friends, not only would we be at risk, but we put them at risk for further gang violence. With all the innovation and progress of the world, our neighbors in Haiti systematically continue to lack access to clean water, food, shelter, safety, and education. The problems are so complex and potentially overwhelming. In the face of that reality and desperation, we pray. We pray and we choose not to be disheartened. Still we continue, to do the little we know how to do:
- We continue to feed people. (With a twice-weekly hot meals program and monthly rice and bean distribution)
- We continue to build toilets. (5 sets of toilets in January 2022 and 4 more planned for January 2023)
- We continue to support students going to school.
- We continue to offer a monthly medical clinic.
- We also keep trying new ideas:
- Providing health kits to prisoners at Christmas
- Paying passport fees so workers can seek employment in the US or other Caribbean countries
- Building a home for a widow and her children (July building project 2022)

MaryLu Hertz