In Memoriam: Vilouse Paul

We are saddened by the loss in our Empowering Haitians family. Vilouse Paul, our microloan program and sustainable feeding program lead died 2/9/2017 after a valiant fight with cancer. She leaves behind her devoted husband, Patrick, and her two children Gloria (14) and Gomax (10). She also leaves a hole in our heart. She had such love and desire to serve her community.
I have some great memories of our Haiti adventures. Once taking our sons to the market to buy food for the community meals; she indulged my son’s interest in coconuts. She thought he wanted to eat one, but really he just wanted to cut it in half and play with it. Our boys spent hours playing with the “coconut toy”. We also took several road trips out to the country to buy goats. I didn’t have any idea what we were getting ourselves into. We all couldn’t help laughing at the raucous noise that 6 goats made when tied up in the back of our station wagon! Even when she was sick, she wanted to participate in the community work. She organized a vacation bible school day for the children in her neighborhood and opened her home for us to gather and play with the children. I will miss Vilouse’s smile, her friendship, and her energy in our work together trying to do good.
Donations to Empowering Haitian’s in memory of Vilouse will go to continue the projects of her heart.